Meet Greg

Have you ever looked back on your life, paused and asked yourself that very question? The joys, sorrows, achievements, failures, twists and turns….this life—what a ride! The journey I’ve been on has sculpted me in a way that makes me feel beyond grateful for it all. For my first forty plus years on this planet, the name of the game for me was solely on “achievement”. Having spent so much of this time as a competitive athlete, NCAA college hockey player/coach and a corporate sales guy, this was the lay of the land for me. Score the goal, win the game, meet the sales numbers and all was just fine. My high achieving way had served me well in so many aspects of my life. It taught me the value of discipline and hard work. It motivated me to want to be better. I became more resilient in the face of challenges. Setting and attaining lofty goals felt amazing and helped me at times realize my true potential.

That way of being had served me so well, until goals were set and not met. My inner critic had been running the show for so many years without me even fully realizing it. The constant self judgement, doubt and fear of failure type thinking eventually took its toll and my mental health went into decline. Depression and anxiety eventually showed up at my doorstep and this is when my life took a significant turn. I specifically remember saying to myself, "There has to be a better way to live this life". I consciously shifted towards being well in my body, mind and spirit through the daily practices of yoga and mindfulness meditation. These practices have transformed my life in a way that’s really hard to put into words. Unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors have been shifted. Intention, awareness and intuition inform most all of my decisions. Being more mindful has allowed me to soften the inner critic, experience more flow and be the best I can be in all areas of my life. I am still the fiercely driven and achievement oriented individual I once was. The difference now is that mindfulness practice has helped me be less fearful and attached to outcome, which has made all the difference in the world.

My mission since starting my coaching practice is to lead my clients on a path to greater happiness, peace and well-being in mind, body and spirit through the practice of mindfulness. I also strive to help individuals and groups in the corporate and athletic setting tap into the performance potential of using mindfulness practices in the area of resilience, focus and flow. We have this one precious life to live and I want to do everything in my power to help people reach their full potential, personally and professionally, and live with greater passion and vitality.

My journey to mindfulness coaching:
- Modo Yoga Instructor RYT 500
- 4 year NCAA Division I hockey player University of New Hampshire
- 8 year NCAA Division I & III Assistant Hockey Coach
- Associate Coach certification – Integral Coaching Canada
- Health and Wellness Coach certification – Institute for Integrative Nutrition
- Meditation facilitator certification – Naturality Meditation Hamilton
- Applied Mindfulness Meditation certification – University of Toronto
- Certified Mindfulness Coach (mPEAK) – University of California San Diego
- 8 years of Corporate Sales with Pfizer Canada