Being more present in this life is simple but not easy. Our minds are busy, distracted and really have no desire to be 'here'. If you want to be more present in your life and reap the many benefits that come with it, you the have to train the mind just like you train your body when you exercise. I want to be there to guide you through this. My interactions with you will always be kind and non-judgemental. I like to keep the coaching experience light and engaged. I want you to learn and grow in meaningful ways. The coaching process starts with us discussing the core issue (s) that you're wanting to address. I help you set intentions, or a direction that you would like to go in with the things you're wanting to shift. This is followed by learning more deeply about the basic philosophy of mindfulness practice. I ask you to engage in daily practices like conscious breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, mindful journaling, gratitude...etc. We connect in person, Zoom or phone (based on your comfort levels) every two weeks to check in on your progress and any challenges still being experienced. We celebrate all the small shifts and changes that happen along the way. The degree to which you grow through this process will be determined by your willingness to engage in daily mindfulness practices. It truly is all about the practice. The possibilities for you to feel more grounded, calm and at peace in a busy, complex world are within your control!

Mindfulness coaching sessions can help you with:
Decreasing stress and anxiety
Increasing overall happiness, contentment and inner peace
Cultivating a kinder, more caring relationship with yourself and others
Improving self-esteem and confidence
Finding greater purpose in your life
Improving overall health and well-being – physical, mental and emotional
- Improving emotional intelligence, creativity
Improving focus, resilience and performance

- Initial consult (30 minutes) $25 plus tax
- 50 minute sessions
- 6 sessions (4 months approx.) $135/session
- Virtual via zoom or phone